Drei Lieder, op. 5, for Baritone and Piano
on poems by Rainer Brambach
Instrument List
Baritone, Piano
Original Instrumentation
Playing time
4 Min. 10 sec.
Rainer Brambach died in Basel on August 13, 1983. The poem Letzter Oktobertag is taken from the cycle of seasons autumn. It is the ninth of ten autumn poems. Following the setting to music of the three Brambach songs, four songs for the same instrumentation were written to poems by Tadeus Pfeifer and published in editionfaedis. In the poem Brambach in India, Pfeifer speaks wistfully to his deceased friend. The seven songs are a homage to the two poets. Roger Faedi
- Geträumtes Gedicht (1'00')
- Letzter Oktobertag (2'00'')
- Sant Eremo (1'10'')
Duet, Songs
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