Konrad Ewald writes on music4viola about Roger Faedi: «The Basel teacher, songbook author, photographer, violist, crossbowman and publisher is one of the most creative people, that I know».
Born in Basel on November 04, 1938
Schools in Basel, Matura 1957
Following viola lessons with Hans Brunner from 1957-60: Instruction in harmony theory and composition with the Basel composers Hans Brunner and Walther Geiser
At the same time lectures and seminars at the University of Basel: literature, art history, Philosophy and history of music
1960-62 Teacher training seminar Basel, training as primary teacher Primary teacher in Basel from 1962-1998, then temporary assignments until 2006
Photographic works since 1970
From 1980 occupation with color sounds (color-music: synesthesia)
During the time as a teacher compositions for children: Singspiele and Songs
editor of three songbooks for Basel primary schools
From 2005 compositions for small ensembles (miniatures)
Armbrust shooters with the aim of Increase of coordinative and mental abilities.