Timothy Baxter(1935–2021)

1935-05-2405/24/1935 in London, England
2021-05-1505/15/2021 in Kirke Såby, Denmark
Timothy Baxter
Timothy Baxter was Professor of Composition at the Royal Academy of Music in London from 1965-1990 and is Fellow of The Royal Academy of Music (FRAM). In addition, he was an international examiner for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music from 1966-2005.
Since 1990, Baxter has lived in Denmark and is a member of the 'Dansk Komponist Forening' and has been in the 'Vesterbro Komponistforening (Komvest)' since 2009.


Studies for Violin Grades 1-5, for Violin 

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Studies for Violin Grades 1-5, for Violin, First Print
Timothy Baxter, London, UKTimothy Baxter, London, UK
Foto: Sara Skytte